Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Sven Elch Adventskalender-app"- Illu

At the weekend I did a little illustration for my friends Steffi and Timo, who recently presented their first app of their selfpublishing project illustrie.The app is a story (in form of an  Advent calender) about the elk (or a reindeer) Sven Elch,  who works in the office of  "Santa und Söhne"  and has the task to get the Christmas tree. Of course this is not as easy as it sounds. ;)
I didn't have to much time so I just drew when I was not working on my current project.

Here is the sketch:

The speechbubble says "Harpsolo", which of course is wrong because it's a lyre. A harp would be really hard to hold with one hand. ;)


Zeitwolf said...

*prräääng* 'luja, sog i!

Was ist denn dein current project? *neu gier*

Maike said...

Na der Comic für die Anthologie! ;)

Klaus Gehrmann Baeckmann (KGB) said...

Hey, "Harfensolo" war witzisch! Warum ist das draußen?

Maike said...

Weil "Leiernsolo" dann irgendwie nicht so toll klang. :/ War mir nicht sicher und habs dann lieber draußen gelassen. Ich war mit der Schrift auch nicht so zufrieden.

Facebook said...

Christian N.: "Tihi, sehr schön! :)"

Stefanie W.: " hach - da warst du sogar noch schneller als wir!? :D hihi cool, und vielen dank noch mal - die Illu ist so schön geworden^^"