Monday, June 27, 2011

Life Drawings of the past few weeks

I started to draw one or two pictures a day of houses or places I see on my way to my studio to practise drawing houses, trees, cars and so on. Here are four of the pictures from last week.

and some sketches from lifedrawing class. The girl was called Malis.

Monday, June 20, 2011

FAS - Portrait Noam Chomsky

My third illustration for the FAS-class, which wasn't printed. My professor told me that they had to choose between my illustration and another one, but in they end they took the other one. Unfortunately.
We had to do a portrait of Noam Chomsky.
I'll upload the second illustration in a few days.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer breeze

And again, just a sketch.

Outfit from